Remote Mission Week 17 - June 27, 2021

June 28, 2021

¡Hola a Todos! (Hello All!)


Our work continues…but we don’t have anything really out-of-the-ordinary to report…so this post will be short!


On Sunday evening we were able to watch the recent “Sharing the Gospel” world-wide broadcast over Zoom with the missionaries in Lima. It was fantastic! Since we knew our Zoom broadcast was going to be translated to Spanish, we listened to the broadcast earlier in the day in English … so I (LeAnn) could understand what was being said. Yes, I’m still struggling to understand Spanish … and yes, sometimes I want to curl up in a ball and rock back and forth … but then I remember my kids (and siblings) who learned Spanish (or another language) for their missions, and they didn’t have a built-in translator (Lane and Google Translate) and they somehow managed. So we press on.


We’ve been quite curious about Peru’s recent presidential election (June 6) but it looks like the results are still being contested. So no news there yet. We are hearing reports of some political demonstrations … hopefully things will calm down once the new president is announced.


In my scripture reading this week I came upon this passage in the Book of Mormon which sums up nicely some of the most basic reasons we send missionaries out to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ:


“ … that it might go forth throughout all the land, that … people might be convinced … that they were all brethren, and that they ought not to murder, nor to plunder, nor to steal, nor to commit adultery, nor to commit any manner of wickedness.” (Alma 23:3)


¡Que tengan una semana súper fantástica! (Have a super fantastic week!)




Lane & LeAnn 

Working with the missionaries! 
Teaching English with one, and coordinating missionary housing issues with the other!

All-mission zoom conference watching the Worldwide Sharing the Gospel Broadcast.

LeAnn's nephew giving his mission farewell.

His brother giving his homecoming report at the same meeting!
We remember when Alden and Jaron did the same thing when Alden gave his homecoming report at the same meeting that Jaron gave his farewell -- years ago!